I'm Andrea

I love a good mix of documentary-style candids and also artistic, traditional, and/or experimental editorial-like portraits. It definitely depends on what feels more natural to the couple as well as what works for the overall story. Variety is my forte in life as well as in the work I aim to deliver to clients. I like giving you options while taking my signature workflow and applying it to each individual. Some photographers say they have to do it "their way", but I believe that "my way" involves being attentive to your needs and making you look and feel natural, effortless, and ultimately, your best version.

My favorite thing is when saying "yes" gifts me with something inexplicably priceless and worthwhile.
It blows my mind to even say that I have 'clients'. It fills me with joy that I get to play a part in making people feel confident in who they are, inspiring others to want to go out and explore the world, and to be a part of their best day ever. I have a desire to continue learning new and crazy things: this season's edition is oil painting. My hope is to be childlike in the sense of honesty and pure fun, yet be wise in my understanding of the world through exploration, growth, admiration, and open-heartedness. Photography allows me to show off my odd side, meet cool people, tell untold stories, and inspire others to come along for an unforgettable ride.
My photography story wasn’t all that impressive to me. Not at first anyway. It started with traveling, printing everything and sticking it on my school binder. On one night during my 3rd year of college while studying for a subject that I can’t even recall, someone commented an arbitrary photo and said, “From these pics I think you should leave whatever you’re studying behind and pursue photography.” Shout out to Drew McKinney! I chuckled and said, “Guess I’ll start a photography business now.” I realized later on how incredible that was. The way people in your life are used to mold your story. That cycle continues and my story, who knows, is used to tell another persons, and another. One word can change everything.

Naît-on deux fois ? Oui. La première fois, le jour où l'on naît à la vie ; la seconde fois, le jour où l'on naît à l'amour.
~ Victor Hugo
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Wedding photographer of 10 years. Adapting to trends and tech while staying true and consistent to timeless imagery. Digital and film.
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